Our Story and Affiliations

A short history of MEFree

Millwoods Evangelical Free Church was planted from the Knox Evangelical Free Church September 1979 to reach out to the south parts of Edmonton. The building was completed the following decade. Pastor Noel started serving in October 2022.

Our core values

  • Biblical content and teaching
  • Authentic caring relationships with one another
  • Worship
  • Serving others
  • Responsible stewardship
  • Taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ everywhere
  • Accountability and integrity in life and service
  • Mentoring and discipleship

Our mission is to believe, grow and serve Jesus Christ.

Our vision is to be a healthy church that lives and loves one another and others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

What does ‘Evangelical Free’ mean?

‘Evangelical’ means we take both the Bible and the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ seriously. ‘Free’ reflects the idea of freedom in the separation of Church and State. We are ‘free’ from governmental involvement in our Statement of Faith, Character and Calling, Code of Conduct, Core Values, Mission and Vision. Laws, bylaws, revenue/taxation compliance, tax exemption, charitable receipting and building codes do apply to us, but only as they do not impinge on biblical ethics and values or our Statement of Faith.

Our ministry partners

  • The Evangelical Free Church of Canada is an association of about 150 like-minded interdependent yet autonomous and self-governing churches that work cooperatively to bring the message of Jesus Christ to Canada and the word. The home office is located in Langley, BC and led by our executive director, Bill Taylor.
  • Within the Evangelical Free Church of Canada, Millwoods Evangelical Free Church is in the Alberta Parkland District led by our District Superintendent, Marvin Penner.
  • In spreading the message of Jesus Internationally, we support the Evangelical Free Church of Canada Mission which seeks to plant churches globally. The mission is led by Ike Agawin.
  • Trinity Western University and ACTS Seminaries are part of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada.
  • Missions Fest Alberta is an annual convention showcasing national and international ministries.
  • Each Christmas we compile and gather shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.
  • We support additional ministries and ministry personnel in Malachi Dads, Wycliffe Bible Translators and Christar.