Sunday Worship

What to expect on a Sunday morning

Join us at 10:30 am for about an hour and a half as we sing, pray, hear God’s word taught and encourage and support each other in our faith. Light snacks and refreshments follow service. Dress is casual and our services are relaxed and easygoing. Every Second Sunday we celebrate communion together.

Sunday Morning Family Bible Study

From 9:30 to 10:15 we will be offering a multigenerational Sunday School class who meet to study God’s word and pray for the needs and ministries of the Church.

Options for kids

An unsupervised nursery facility is available during the Sunday morning worship service. Kids between 3–12 are invited to attend a kids worship time during the Sermon.

Worship team

Our worship team meets Sundays at 9:00 am in preparation to serve in the Sunday morning worship service.