Our Pastors
About Us
Noel Dwarika
-----------------------Lead pastor

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for taking the time to “check us out.” I am assuming you’re on this page because you’d like to know a little more about the guy preaching the sermons. So, let me tell you a little about myself.
I was raised in Montreal Quebec by two loving Trini Parents. After some years of worldly living I moved with my parents to Edmonton Alberta in 2000. In Edmonton I decided it was time to take God seriously and I started attending Church. I received my call to ministry in 2001 and have been serving in Ministry ever since. I received my B.A. in Religion and Theology in 2004 and my Masters of Theological Studies in 2015. I started serving the good people of Millwoods Evangelical Free Church in October 2, 2022.
I am married to a beautiful and patient wife and we have three fantastic children. I like playing music, eating food and tinkering on cars. If you’d like to know more about me reach out, take me out for a coffee and we can share stories!
Be Blessed,
Pastor Noel
Email: pastornoel@mefc.ca
Church Phone: 780.463.4745
Chris Luchies
Youth and music Pastor

Hey Church family and those who are soon to be family,
As Pastor Noel said, thank you for checking out our staff page here on the website. If you are looking to know more about the Youth and Music guy, that’s me!
I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba but grew up in a small community in the town of Brooks, Alberta. I had always known about God because of my God-fearing parents, but I didn’t take my faith seriously until I was 13, and really, if we’re being honest, until my second year of college! God was doing a massive work in my heart from 13-24 and teaching me how to be humble, how to allow Him to change me, and how to live by faith. I received a B.A. in Strategic Ministries in 2016 and jumped into ministry as soon as God let me. I served as Youth Pastor since then while also loving leading Worship teams, and running an online Christian group for nerds.
I am married, with one young beautiful daughter! I love music, playing games, and all things that can be considered nerdy. Now, God has brought me to this amazing church where I get to draw youth into the word of God, and draw the congregation into holy, reverent worship through the music ministry!
God Bless you,
Pastor Chris